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  • September 2023 Newsletter
    Updated On: Aug 29, 2023


    Holy cow can you believe it’s September already?!  With that said, I hope all our members had a safe, fun, and memorable Labor Day weekend.  I know I like to head for the mountains with my camper and 4-wheelers to have some fun get-away time.  Whatever you enjoy doing, I’m betting everyone made the most of a long Holiday weekend. 

    So, as custom with the month of September, we dive headfirst back into traveling around the State conducting our monthly unit meetings.  It was brought to my attention, over the summer, that some of our members may be making decisions not to attend unit meetings in certain places because that location is not their home unit.  This got me thinking and so I felt it was worth mentioning to you all in this month’s article that you are welcome to attend a particular unit meeting even if it’s not your own home unit.  As an example, if you happen to be working in Missoula the night of Unit 108’s meeting and your home unit is 105 from Havre, you can still come to the union meeting that night if you so choose too.  You won’t get to vote on certain matters of that unit’s business, but you are certainly welcome to partake in general discussions and participate throughout the overall meeting as a member of Local 44.  I know our construction unit is spread out all over the State and so I want you all to know the other unit meetings that do take place wherever you are working always have an open door.  Most of our monthly meetings are usually attended by NWE and Cooperative members.  I would love to see greater attendance from our ELM Locators, Asplundh Tree, and Davey Tree Service members as well.  Folks, Local 44 is your union.  It belongs to each and every one of you and you have a voice which can provide a direction in all matters of Local’s endeavors.  So, please consider attending an upcoming unit meeting in your area and I look forward to seeing your smiling faces.

    In closing, I’d like to thank those of you who participated in our recent Local 44 Golf Tournament.  First off, I can’t say thank you enough to Chicken & Jan.  The numerous sponsors and gift prizes you gathered were greatly appreciated.  You two always go above and beyond whenever we call on you for help.  Thanks so much!  Secondly, I want to thank Kyle for his efforts and much of the planning for this year’s tournament got thrown squarely into his lap and he did awesome.  Thank you, brother!  Thirdly, without Stephanie & Stefanie’s behind the scenes ideas and prowess, we guys would have struggled even more.  Thank you, ladies!  And lastly, there obviously would not have been a tournament without all you who showed up to have some fun.  I really enjoy seeing and visiting with everyone, especially our retired members.  Our Local is committed to keeping this annual tradition alive and well.  Hope to see you all, and many more, at next year’s event.

    In Solidarity,

    Scott Klungland


    First things first, to all the people and organizations who helped with or donated to 44’s Golf Tourney, from the bottom of my heart Thank You.  As far as the few who went above and beyond to keep things organized, get sponsors, and made everything flow super smooth, you know who you are and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  Congratulations to our winners and to everyone else thanks for showing up, we appreciate you! 

    With that out of the way, if you’re a fat kid like me and don’t care for the heat that August brings and don’t have the muscle structure to fill out a tank top, summers over!!!  Here comes my favorite season, “Hoodie Season,” the time of year the temp cools off enough so a guy can wear a hoodie until Spring and keep his love handles and man boobs to himself.  To everyone out there thinking “Kyle, why not go on a diet?” I have two words for you……. “Moose Tracks.”  For the hunter out there, and heck even if you don’t hunt, I wish you the best and I hope all of us get to make some time to spend with our loved ones in the beauty of Montana’s outdoors this Fall season.  Other than that, I’m looking forward to see everyone at our Unit Meetings.

    Your Brother,

    Kyle Hintz


    1st PLACE – Sam Atkins, Ron Guisti, Don Ryan

    2nd PLACE – Tim Newman, Andy Newman, Dane Stiles, Chris Graves

    3rd PLACE TIE – Jim Hennessey, Rockie Zahara, Rick Yurek, Wayne Yurek

    3rd PLACE TIE – James Wood, Jerry Hystad, Stan Supinski, Mark Johnson

    Longest Drive – Eric Cheney

    Longest Putt – Dan Hansen


    Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members for achieving Journeyman status:

    James Grooms – Journeyman Lineman              Christian Sugrue – Journeyman Lineman

    Great job and best wishes for a great career!


    Local 44 would like to congratulate Scott Randles who has retired from the trade.  Best wishes for a long and happy retirement!


    Local 44 mourns the loss of the following retired members:

    Wally Freund – Journeyman Gasman – passed away 7/22/23

    Richard Martin – Journeyman Relay Tech Senior – passed away 7/24/23

    Paul Oriet – Journeyman Lineman – passed away 8/8/23

    Our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of these Brothers.



    • $4.50 per year of service through 2022 and $5.50 per year in/or after 2023
    • May not work in the electrical industry
    • Optional Spouse's Benefit available; reduction to 86.5% +/- .5% per year spouse is younger or older than member
    • Death Benefit reduced from $6,250 by the amount of pension received, going no lower than $3,000
    • Lump Sum payment if monthly payments equal $30 or less


    • $4.50 per year of service through 2022 and $5.50 per year in/or after 2023; reduced by 6.66% for each year/fraction thereof under age 65
    • May not work in the electrical industry
    • Optional Spouse's Benefit available; reduction to 86.5% +/- .5% per year spouse is younger or older than member
    • Death Benefit reduced from $6,250 by the amount of pension received, going no lower than $3,000
    • Early Retirement is irrevocable
    • Lump Sum payment if monthly payments equal $30 or less


    • $4.50 per year of service through 2022 and $5.50 per year in/or after 2023
    • Must be totally disabled
    • Must be fully retired from all gainful employment
    • Social Security Award or its equivalent accepted (medical documentation may be submitted and reviewed by IBEW physician for approval)
    • Optional Spouse's Benefit available; reduction to 86.5% +/- .5% per year spouse is younger or older than member
    • Death Benefit reduced from $6,250 by the amount of pension received, going no lower than $3,000
    • Not eligible for lump sum payment


    • $4.50 per each year of service through 2022 and $5.50 per year in/or after 2023; further reduced by $4.50 per each year/fraction thereof applicant is under age 65
    • Effective 1st month after 65th birthday
    • May not work in the electrical industry
    • Not eligible for Optional Spouse's Benefit
    • Not eligible for Death Benefit and Not eligible for Disability Pension
    • Lump sum payment if monthly payments equal $30 or less


    • Normal Death Benefit: $6,250 or Accidental Death Benefit: $12,500 (as defined by the IEC
    • Retiree Death Benefit reduced by pension received, going no lower than $3,000

    “A” membership cost for 2023 is $48.00 per month ($21.00 Pension Benefit Fund (PBF) plus $27.00 basic per capita & local dues).

    “BA” membership cost for 2023 is $27.00 per month (No PBF, just basic per capita & local dues).

    All members, other than Construction, can choose between A and BA membership.  “A” membership is worthwhile because of the return potential.  It takes approximately 3.82 years of benefits paid to recover all PBF dues paid in over 20 years.  Please contact the Hall if you would like to choose “A” membership.


    Great Falls                   Sept. 05, 2023             6:00 PM          Great Falls Labor Temple

    Havre                          Sept. 05, 2023             6:00 PM          Elks Lodge     

    Lewistown                  Sept. 06, 2023             5:30 PM          Fergus Electric

                 Line Construction       Sept. 09, 2023             10:00 AM        Helena Labor Temple

    Helena                         Sept. 18, 2023             5:00 PM          Helena Labor Temple

    Bozeman                     Sept. 19, 2023             6:00 PM          Bozeman Labor Temple

    Missoula                      Sept. 20, 2023             6:00 PM          Missoula Labor Temple

    Butte                           Sept. 28, 2023             5:30 PM          Local 44 Office



    From the Business Manager                                                                                                   Front Page

    News to Use                                                                                                                            Page Two

    News to Use Continued                                                                                                          Page Three

    Unit Meeting Schedule                                                                                                           Page Four


  • IBEW 44

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